Mini Vocabulary
Mini Linga has 1,000 words in total, which is small for a language, but still a lot to memorize! My goal here is to categorize every word to make them easier to remember.
Note that due to the minimalist nature of Mini, most words can have multiple meanings depending on context and indicator for part of speech.Â
**This project is currently considered abandoned due to the scope, but I hope that the existing work is still helpful.
Table of Contents
(yeah sorry Google Sites won't really let me adjust the table of contents -at all-, and there's not much I can do about sorting 1,000 words, so we'll both just have to settle on 50+ different sections being on a single vertical list)
salu - Hello, Goodbye, Greeting
ja - Yes
no - No, Not
an - And, Also
pero - But
u - Or
so - So, Such
sori - Sorry, Remorse
padon - Pardon, Forgive, Condone, An excuse
danke - Thanks, To thank, Thankful
bon - Good
mala - Bad
i - (verb particle)
a - (direct object particle)
e - (adjective complement particle)
o - (modifier separator)
da - That, There, Would
di - This, Here
de - From, Of, About, By
en - In, At, On
go - To, Go, Towards, For
kon - With
sama - Like, As, Than, Same
kolo - Color
ruja - Red
oranje - Orange
pila - Yellow
midori - Green
bulu - Blue
lila - Purple, Lilac
kali - Black, Dark
bianka - White
kelabu - Gray
maron - Brown
rosa - Pink, Rose
Common Adjectives
mini - small, little
interesa - interest, interesting
lakoni - short (length), curt, brief
longo - long, length, longitude
tingi - high, tall, height
bajo - low, short (height)
nu - new
rapi - fast, speed, quickly
lenta - slow, slowly
raro - rare, weird, strange
suave - smooth, soft, sleek, even
bela - beautiful, beauty, beautify
feo - ugly
Common Verbs
pale - talk
mira - see, look, watch, sight
ia - hear, listen
favo - favor, like, favorite, please
ave - have
kamina - walk, ambulate, stroll, hike
kuri - run, sprint, jog
jumpa - jump, bounce, leap, hop, skip, bounce
para - stop, halt
open - open
sera - close, shut, seal
kan - can, may, able
vole - want, desire
nese - need, necessity, requirement, necessary
pensa - think, thought
dire - say, tell, utter, recite, utterance, saying
move - move, movement, motion, movie
make - make, do, create
toma - take
uti - use, tool
pone - put, lay, place
numa - Number, Enumerate, Quantity
nulo - Nothing, Zero
uno - One
duo - Two
san - Three
fo - Four
penta - Five
sita - Six
seven - Seven
ba - Eight
nin - Nine
ten - Ten
sento - Hundred
kilo - Thousand
mega - Million, Big, Great, Large
giga - Billion
solo - single, alone, only
egala - equal, equality, equation, equally
infiniti - infinity, infinite
Measurements & Counting
mesura - measure, measurement, size (clothing), dimension
suma - sum, total, calculate, score
gama - gram (SI)
lita - liter (SI)
matemati - math, mathematical
meno - less (comparison), fewer, minus
mita - meter, metric
mone - money
some - some, few, an indefinite amount, somewhat
mui - very, many, much, a lot
ranko - rank, status, ordering, -th (ordinal)
ratio - ratio, rate, proportion, fraction
seri - series, list, order, row, enumerate
man - person, human
popula - people, population, populate, populous, popular
rasa - race, ethnicity, racial
sosia - society, social
kulutura - culture, cultural
ego - Self, (one's) Own (adj)
senjore - mr., ms., sir, madam, lord, master
mi - first person pronoun
tu - second person pronoun
si - third person pronoun
viro - man, male
feme - woman, female
amigo - friend, acquaintance, befriend, friendly
enemi - enemy, nemesis
tovari - companion, spouse, partner, comrade
ujana - young, youth, a youth
memba - member, adherent
fami - family, relative
paren - parent
fili - son, daughter
kinde - child
sibi - sibling, brother, sister
bebe - baby
jemelo - twin
kusin - cousin
tie - uncle, aunt
sivi - citizen, civilian, civil, civilize
pirata - pirate
polisa - police
raja - ruler, royal, king, queen
dulo - slave, servant, serf, enslave
ninja - spy (noun), snoop, scout, surveil
anjo - angel, angelic
demon - devil, demon, diabolical
deo - god, divine
fantome - ghost, spirit, phantom
feri - fairy, sprite, pixie
emo - emotion, emotional, passionate, emote
senti - sense, feel, touch, feeling
joli - happy, joy, frolic, enjoy
esita - excite, excited
konfi - comfortable, comfort, cozy
ansio - anxious, anxiety, nervous
bore - boring, bore, tedium
degu - disgust, disgusting, revulsion, sicken
duka - suffer, pain, suffering, hurt, painful
envi - envy, jealous
fobo - fear, horror, fearful, scary
furi - anger, angry
famine - hungry, hunger, famine
sete - thirst, thirsty
fatiga - tire, tired
fevere - fever, feverish
konfuse - confusion, confuse, confusing, perplex
lasi - lazy, indolence, inactivity
loko - crazy, mad, insane, madden
melankoli- sad, melancholy, mourn
menase - threat, menace, menacing, threaten
sadi - mean, cruel, sadistic
superise - surprise, astonish, shock, unexpected
timi - timid, shy, coy, reserved
vanita - vanity, pride, proud
vina - blame, fault, guilt
vori - worry, concern
odi - hate, hatred, enmity
dubi - doubt
domo - home, domestic, reside, domesticate
mun - door, gate
ventana - window, mirror, screen
mobili - furniture
sofa - sofa
mesa - table
muro - wall
tavan - ceiling, roof
base - base, foundation, ground, floor, basis, fundamental
koredora - hall, corridor
kamera - chamber, room, partition
tape - carpet, rug
loka - lock, to lock, latch, bolt, clasp
pilo - pillow, cushion
sede - sit, seat, chair
tivi - TV, television
lampa - lamp
kuretina - curtain, drape, screen, blinds
kosina - kitchen, to cook
piron - fork
kujara - spoon
puko - knife, dagger, stab
pote - pot, pan, cauldron, crucible, saucepan
raka - rack, shelf, ledge
suponji - sponge
tami - filter, sieve, colander
kopa - cup, drinking vessel, chalice
bola - bowl
oven - oven, furnace, bake, heater
Body Parts
bodi - Body
kapo - Head
pelo - Hair, Fur, Hairy
neka - Neck
sina - Chest
teta - Breast
pigu - Butt
kanda - Shoulder, Shrug
rama - Arm, Limb, Branch
kubita - Elbow, Nudge, Cubit
mano - Hand
diji - Finger, Toe, Digit
noga - Leg
kolenka - Knee
pedi - Foot, By foot, Kick, Stomp
talon - Heel
fase - face, to face someone
oko - eye, glance, sight
mimi - ear
nase - nose
boka - mouth
jue - cheek, jowl
labi - lip, rim, brim
mandiba - jaw, mandible
boroda - beard, facial hair
denta - tooth, bite
linga - tongue, lick, language
kore - heart
sereba - brain
gule - throat, gullet
beli - stomach, belly, abdomen
entera - intestines, bowel, entrails, gut
rena - kidney
figado - liver
lunge - lungs
oso - bone
sekeleton - skeleton, framework, scaffolding
kaje - cage, ribcage
musele - muscle, muscular
utero - womb, uterus
kaka - feces, poop
pipi - pee, urinate
muko - mucus, snot, phlegm
saliva - saliva, spit, expectorate
lagima - tears, to cry
sange - blood, bleed
vomi - vomit
Animal Parts
biko - beak, to peck, spout
kera - horn (animal + instrument), spike
koda - tail, coda
ungu - nail, hoof, claw
vinge - wing, brim, vane
pele - skin, surface, peel, hide (animal)
lipo - fat, fatty, grease, fatten, to fry
dika - fat, thick
menta - mind, mental
nafasa - breathe, breath
animale - Animal
dogi - Dog
gato - Cat, Feline
retili - Reptile, Crawl, Creep
tori - Bird
lupo - Wolf
lisa - Fox
leon - Lion, Tiger, Panther, Big cat
balu - Bear
monki - Monkey, Gorilla, Chimpanzee
rusa - Deer
teke - Goat, Antelope, Ibex, Caprine
muso - Mouse, Rat
roden - Rodent (non-mouse), Squirrel, Beaver
kuneli - Rabbit, Hare, Bunny
elefante - Elephant
inseto - Insect, bug
muravi - Ant
ara - Bee, Hornet, Wasp
arana - Spider, Arachnid
mogi - Fly, Gnat, Mosquito
papilon - Butterfly, Moth
kirikiti - Cricket, Grasshopper, Locust
bovi - cow, bovine, steer, ox, bison, buffalo
kavalo - horse, donkey, mule
pigi - pig, boar
polo - chicken, fowl
ovi - lamb, sheep
pisi - Fish
balena - Whale, Dolphin, Porpoise, Cetacean
udan - Shrimp, Lobster, Crustacean
kansera - Crab
geko - lizard
naga - snake, slither
toti - turtle, tortoise
agila - eagle, hawk, a bird of prey
pato - duck, goose, swan, waterfowl
ulu - owl
rana - frog, toad
limako - snail, slug, a mollusk
vuma - worm
bete - monster, beast, beastly
doragon - dragon
dinosoro - dinosaur
Plants & Others
gadi - grass, herb, lawn
igi - tree, wood
jari - shrub, bush
fiore - flower
fungi - fungus, mold, mildew
gomba - mushroom
viru - virus, viral
basilo - bacteria, bacillus, germ, microbe
radika - root, rooted, rhizome, tuber
sela - cell (biology + room)
safari - journey, voyage, trip, travel, adventure, adventurous
vakansa - vacation, holiday
vaga - wander, roam, rove
mapa - map, chart
visita - visit
avion - airplane
bike - bicycle
bagaje - luggage, baggage, gear, personal effects, to lug
vola - fly, flight
rela - rail, train, bar
navi - boat, ship
karo - car, vehicle, drive
veta - weather, climate
sole - sun, sunny
selo - sky
kalori - heat, hot, calorie
kula - cool, cold
neve - snow
ise - ice, freeze
seko - dry, dryness
vento - wind, windy
regen - rain
tufan - storm, stormy, typhoon, hurricane
tonere - thunder
nebu - mist, fog, foggy, nebulous
nube - cloud, cloudy
vasanta - spring (season)
soma - summer
otono - autumn
vinta - winter
retorante- restaurant
menu - menu
inteli - smart, intelligence
jenti - polite, gentle, gracious, courteous
sili - silly, foolish, trivial, triviality
dare - dare, daring, bold, brave, to challenge
ubuntu - kind, humane, humaneness, solidarity
umile - humble, modest, humility, shame
serio - serious, earnest, seriousness
environ - environment, habitat, ambient, milieu
mundo - world, globe, global
tera - earth
lan - land, territory, domain, state
kampo - field, camp, to camp, countryside, meadow, rural
kolina - hill
vali - valley
monte - mountain, hill, bump, protrusion, protrude, bumpy
kave - cave, cavern
lago - lake, loch, pond
mare - ocean, sea, marine
litora - shore, beach, coast, littoral
nida - nest, hive, den
ila - island
bai - bay, gulf, cove
fen - fen, swamp, bog, marsh
foreta - forest
riva - river, stream
saara - desert
Towns and Cities
loke - location, place
paisa - nation, country, national
kasa - house, building
kare - square, plaza
vila - village, town
siti - city
botega - shop, store, boutique
area - area, region, zone, domain, extent, size
asilu - asylum, refuge, shelter
banka - bank, bench, river bank, financial institution
baraje - barrage, dam, block, impede, obstruct, hinder
basara - market, bazaar, fair, to shop
nonga - farm, cultivate, agricultural
gaden - garden, a park, recreation area
patio - patio, courtyard, yard
gare - station, depot
garaje - garage
ofisi - office, official, bureau, desk
opitala - hospital
otelo - hotel
fatoria - factory, mill, plant
pisina - pool of water, pond, swimming pool
ponte - bridge
salon - salon, parlor
jeo - prison, jail, imprison
tumba - grave, tomb
sekola - school
teata - theater, theatrical
sena - scene, stage
figura - figure, form, shape, structure, statue, figurine
kaja - box, container
balo - ball, a spherical object, roll
pirami - pyramid
kono - cone
kona - corner, angle
line - line
rondo - circle, round, around
punto - point, dot, spot, indicate, pointy, sharp
edu - teach, educate, education, educated
etudi - learn, study, research
pen - pen, pencil, stylus
pape - paper
sako - bag, sack
buku - book
ropa - clothing, wear
kamisa - shirt
panta - pants, trousers
soke - sock, stocking
roba - dress, robe
sapato - shoe
jaketa - jacket, coat
sue - sew, stich, seam
tela - cloth, fabric
boton - button, pressbutton, knob, stud
tese - weave, woven, knit
materi - matter, material, substance
pulasi - plastic, plastics, malleable
metali - metal, metallic
silara - silver, silvery
kabon - carbon, coal
fero - iron, steel
kopere - copper
jin - gold, golden
tin - tin, can
lana - wool
seda - silk
koton - cotton
boli - glass, crystal, a transparent material
goma - rubber, rubbery
kosa - thing, stuff
balon - balloon
botelo - bottle
konka - shell
koreo - mail, letter, post
mageneti- magnet, magnetic
makina - machine, apparatus
roboto - robot
ake - ax, hatchet, machete, to chop
aro - arrow, dart
banda - band, strip, ribbon, tape, stripe
bandera - flag, banner
baton - stick, pole
bensin - fuel, gasoline, benzene
bileta - ticket, a pass, bill, banknote
bitume - tar, pitch, bitumen
boba - bubble, boil
aeji - shield, armor
elasi - spring, coil, elastic, springy
fiba - fiber, string, thread, wire, ply, roughage, strand
foli - sheet, leaf, flat, flatten
foma - foam, froth, suds, mousse, lather
fon - phone
gun - gun, rifle, shoot
inja - wound, injure, injury
jara - jar, pitcher, jug, carafe, mug, beaker
jeli - gel, goop, jelly, blob, paste, mush
kadena - chain, fetters
kadi - card, placard, cardboard, charter
kandela - candle
kanon - cannon, artillery, gun barrel
katana - sword
kerami - ceramic, pottery, china, terracota, clay pot
kia - key, unlock
komputa - computer, compute
kova - cover, covering, conceal, blanket, cloak, shawl
lense - lens, eyeglasses, magnifying glass
liga - tie, bind, knot, league, link, connection
liki - liquid, liquify, fluid
maleta - hammer, mallet
medika - medicine, medicinal
neto - net, network, mesh, web, enmesh
ole - oil, unctuous
paketa - package, parcel, packet, bundle
parija - grill, grid, grate, broiler, gridiron
penelo - brush, comb, sweep
peso - piece, part, component
piato - plate, dish, disc, tray, to plate
pile - pill, pellet, bullet
pin - pin, needle
piuma - feather
poke - pocket
pupe - doll, puppet
remo - oar, rudder, to row
ringo - ring, loop, hoop, circuit, halo
sigaro - cigar, cigarette
sinda - cinder, ash, ashy
siren - bell, siren, alarm, to chime, handbell, doorbell
sisora - scissors, shears
taba - board, plank, beam, slat
tobako - tobacco
topi - cap, hat, top, summit
tubo - tube, pipe
tumo - tumor, swell, swelling, bulge
uka - hook, hanger, crook (shepherd), mitre
vepon - weapon, arms, to arm, weaponize
Art and Writing
seni - art, artistic
sino - sign, mark, symbol, signal, token, logo
pinta - paint, painting, painted
desini - design, sketch, blueprint, pattern
detali - detail, detailed, meticulous
note - write
name - name, word
saga - story, narrate, fictional
rima - rhyme, rhyming
poesi - poem, poetry, poetic
ironi - irony, ironic, sarcasm
litera - letter, literature, character, to spell, literary
resi - rest, sleep
ronko - snore, grunt
gape - yawn, gape
sonjo - dream
kama - bed
veka - awake, wake, aware
toilete - toilet, urinal, restroom, WC, use bathroom
lava - wash
savon - soap
bano - bath, bathe
dusa - shower, to shower, downpour
musika - music, musical
reo - flow, current, rhythm, influence
viola - viola, violin, a string instrument
gitara - guitar, lute, a strummed instrument
tambo - drum
piano - piano
komedi - comedy, humor, funny
fete - party, celebrate
amuse - amuse, entertain, fun, entertainment
joke - joke, jest
ludi - game, play
risa - laugh
sonri - smile
siensa - science, scientific, -ology
kemi - chemical, drug
atomo - atom, atomic
tempo - time
kalenda - calendar, schedule, timetable
sun - soon
tadi - late, tardy, delay
ante - before
afa - after
sekon - second (time)
minute - minute
dia - day, date
semana - week, weekly
monato - month, monthly
ano - year, annual
maten - morning
eve - evening, night
aje - age, to age, eon, aged
antika - old, to age, antique, ancient
jusa - just (adv), very recently, to have just ...,
momen - moment, instant, instantaneous, immediate
deja - already, by now/then
nun - now
ora - hour, o'clock, clock time
rano - early, too soon
tila - until, till, up to, approach, reach
tuju - always, forever, ever
vile - while, during
valu - value, worth
kote - cost, price, to cost
kopen - buy, a purchase
vende - sell, sale
kambio - exchange, trade, barter
kompare - compare, comparison
vare - resource, wares, supply, merchandise, commodity
ekonomi - economy, economic, thrifty
direto - direction, orientation, guidance, course, direct
supa - above, over, up
unda - under, below, down
fore - front, forehead, forward
baka - back (body + adv), rear side, backward, behind
lado - side, adjacent
levi - left (direction)
reka - right (direction)
nea - near, neighborhood, close by, approach, nearly
nore - north
sude - south
ese - east
vese - west
ve - where
inta - between, inter-
via - through, across
manja - food, eat
banana - banana
beri - berry, grape, olive
butero - butter, buttery
keju - cheese
keki - cake
madu - honey
maisa - corn
nuki - nut
riso - rice
salo - salt, salty, seasoning
sando - sandwich
sereale - grain, cereal, wheat
supe - soup
veji - plant, vegetable
niku - meat, flesh
vino - wine
alio - garlic
amidala - almond, tonsil, amygdala
asido - acid, sour, acidic, vinegar
dijesi - digest, digestion
farina - flour, dust, a granulated substance, sand, grind
fava - bean, legume, pea, lentil
feruta - fruit, bear fruit
filete - steak, fillet, to fillet
kakao - chocolate
kanela - cinnamon
limon - lemon, lime, citrus
masala - spice, curry, spiced
melon - melon, gourd, pumpkin
nata - cream, creamy
nudelo - noodle
onion - onion, bulb
ovo - egg
pan - bread
patata - potato
pepa - pepper, spicy
poma - apple
semen - seed
suga - sugar, sweet
vanila - vanilla
bibe - drink
vasa - water
jusi - juice, juicy
moloko - milk, milky
sake - alcohol, liquor
bira - beer, ale
kafe - coffee, cafe
tea - tea
Good Gifts
dona - give, gift
runguma - hug, embrace
biju - jewel, gem, jewelry
lulu - pearl
diamante- diamond, adamant
kasele - castle, fortress
Bad Gifts
kubo - brick, cube, block
roka - rock
soli - soil, dirt, clay, mud
bomba - bomb
kabuma - explode, explosion, blast, detonate, pop
laji - trash, garbage, waste, to throw away
vudu - curse, hex, jinx, spell
infero - hell, to damn, hellish
punjo - fist, punch, knob, hilt, handgrip
Unsure if I have time to sort literally every word, so here's the rest of the 500+ words in the vague categories I put them in. Will sort them later if I have time.Â
akuse accuse, accusation, charge (legal)
amo love, dear
anunsi announce, announcement, declare, declaration
arapan hope, wait for, expectation, wish
aseta accept, consent, agree, agreement, accord, pact
atira attract, attraction
ato act, performance, behavior, active
aviso attention, warn, caution, warning, alert, notification
bata beat, fight, battle
batisa dip, dunk, immerse, baptise, baptism
benda bend, curve, flex
beso kiss
bisi hurry, rush, haste, busy
buo float, buoy, buoyant, a float
dansa dance
abuso abuse, violate, assault, abusive
ade aid, care, concern, help, care for
adere adhere, stick, cling, sticky, glue
afoga drown, submerge, a drowning
apara seem, appear, apparent, appearance
debate argue, debate, dispute, argument
defende defend, guard, protect, protection, defense
dekora decorate, ornamentation, adorn, fancy
deside decide, decision, adjudicate, resolve, settle
deteki detect, find, notice, discovery, discovery
develo develop, grow, growth, development
difuse spread, diffuse, diffusion
dimenti forget, forgive
disipa waste (use without good purpose), squander
dive dive, plunge, submerge
divi divide, split, division, separate
dua request, ask, prayer, invocation, plea, petition
eleti elect, election, select, choose, selection
enkonte meet, encounter, meeting
erase erase, erasure, remove, wipe away
evita avoid, dodge, shun, avoidance
fosi dig, bury
fuji flee, escape, run away
fusi pour, fuse, melt, fusion
gana win, gain, victory, earn, earnings, profit, prize
gene inherit, inheritance, genetic, gene
imperi command, imperative, rule, empire, imperial
inveti invest, investment
invite invite, invitation
iritate irritate, bother, pester, annoyance
jage search, hunt, pursuit, seek, quest
jeritan yell, scream, shout, exclaim
jeti throw, shot, shoot, hit
jira turn, gyrate, spin, whirl
junta join
kapa capture, catch, seize, grasp, captive, grab
kata cut, incision, slice, chop
kipa keep, stay, remain
kite leave, quit, abandon, exit
koleki collect, collection, gather
kolidi crash, collision, collide
lase let, allow, license, permission, licit
leje read, a reading, well-read
mime mimic, copy, imitation
misi miss, absent, lack, fail to reach/hit/notice
muta change, modify, modification, mutation
naje swim
nati birth, give birth
nise sneeze
nuga rub, friction, massage, caress, tickle, chafe
obe obey, compliance, obedient
paga pay, payment, spend
parada parade, march, procession
pari bet, wager, gamble
pasa pass, happen, past
paso step, stride, pace
pende hang, hanging, suspension, suspense
pika prick, pierce, sting
pota carry, transport, transfer, port, cargo
pubili print, publish
puja worship, praise, adore, adoration
pumpa pump (motion + tool)
puni punish, punishment
puse press, push, shove
raso shave, scrape, graze
refere refer to, reference, mention, allusion
regula regulate, regulation, control, ruler (tool), a rule
renta rent, borrow
repare fix, correction, improvement, repair, mend
revela reveal, divulge, disclose, revelation, disclosure
risiti receive, get, receipt, acknowledge, reception
robare steal, theft
roga ask, question
rompe break, rupture, smash, disrupt
ruina destroy, ruin, destruction, downfall
ruto burp, belch
sava save, rescue, salvation, salvage, retrieve
savi know, understand, knowledge
sende send, transmit, dispatch, broadcast, a post
sibila whistle, hiss, fizzle, whiz, zip
sofio blow, inflate, puff
sufi enough, sufficient, suffice
suko suck, suction
sumete surrender, submit, yield, give in, submission
susura whisper, rustle, murmur
teni hold, grasp, cling to
tenta try, attempt, experiment, trial, tentative, provisional
tira pull, tug
tolera tolerate, tolerance, tolerant, accepting
tose cough, bark
vakili represent, stand for, representative, agent, envoy
vela sail
veni come, become
vipi whip, lash
vote vote
roketa rocket, missle, projectile
vagen wagon, van, cart, bus, truck
beton cement, concrete, pave
aero air, atmosphere, gas
deluje flood, torrent, inundate, overwhelm, overwhelming
eleki electric
fense fence, barrier, partition, hedge, fence off
fogo fire
fonte fountain, spring, well
fume smoke
kabinete cabinet, hutch, wardrobe
kanali canal, channel, gutter, moat
kolun column, pillar, pole, spine
kuve tub, barrel, vat, tank
lada ladder, escalator, stairs, steps
luna moon
luse light
moto motor, engine
najima star, to highlight, celebrity
osura shadow, shade, obscure, hide, hidden
pianeta planet, planetary
radi ray, beam, radiate, bolt, radius
sono sound
tinta tint, ink, hue
tipi tent, teepee, hut
tore tower, skyscraper, turret, steeple, minaret
vapo steam, vapor
venemo venom, poison, to poison
anima soul, spirit
aroma smell, taste
begin start, beginning
bene benefit, advantage, perk, beneficial
bisinesa business, company, negotiate, conduct business
bogen arch, vault, bow (weapon)
dalili evidence, proof, demonstration, testimony
ajenda program, agenda, plan, computer program
akonto account, ledger, report, to recount
ale all, everything
apojo support, backing, advocacy, backup, bolster
balansa balance, equilibrium, a scale, balanced, fair
demo demonstration, indicate, show
dereko correct, just, right (moral), human right
efeto effect, result, to effect, effective
eko echo, reflection
elika helix, curl, twist, curly, spiral, coil, propeller
enejia energy, energize, energetic
enigema puzzle, enigma, riddle
epigo emergency, urgent, to urge, press for
ero error, mistake, err
esamin exam, test, interview, examination, investigation
esi exist, existence, existent
evento event, case (instance), occurence
fama fame, famous, glory
fara far, distance, remote, extreme
fasile easy, ease, simple, straightforward
fata fate, destiny
fide faith, to trust, loyal
filoso philosophy, philosophical, philosophize
fini finish, final, end
fisika physics, physical, physique
fisu crack, fissure, cracked
fule full, to fill, whole
fura hole, gap, aperture, to drill, bore
gen again, repeat, repetition, re-
gera war
gota drop, bead, blob, spot, drip
gove government, govern
idea idea, concept, conceptual, ideate
imaje image, picture
induseri industry, industrial
info information, inform, informative
inventi invent, invention, inventive
jalan path, way, road
janji promise, vow, pledge, swear
jura law
kalite quality, property, to attribute, feature, trait, -ness
kanti sing, song, tune, melody
karera race, competition, compete
keredo believe, belief, creed
kerusa cross, intersect, intersection, crucifix
kino film, movie, cinematic, to film
kode code, cipher, program code
koloni colony, colonial, colonize
komun community, communal, public
konditi condition, state
konsiense conscience, awareness, conscious, consciousness
labora work, labor, hard-working
lati wide, broad, width, latitude
leva level, elevate, rise
liabili responsible, liable, liability, responsibility
libera freedom, free, liberate
lida lead, leader, direct, guide
limi limit, limited, restriction, boundary, border
lin flash, lightning, bolt
loji logic, logical
lose lose, loss, failure, fail
luki fortune, luck, lucky
maji magic, magical, conjure
maladi malady, sickness, ill, disease
manka mark, stain, blemish, spot
mari marry, marriage
masa mass, pile, heap, to amass, massive
media media, communication, press
melanje mixture, mix
memo memory, remember
mentira lie, false, deceive, deception
merite deserve, merit, -worthy
mesaje message, notification, notify
metodo method, procedure, technique, means, methodical
milita military, army
moda mode, way, fashion, mood
morale moral, morality, moralize, morale, virtue
more custom, habit, customary, tradition, traditional
mori death, die, dead, kill
mudi purpose, goal, objective, aim, end, intend, target
nami wave, undulation
natura nature, natural
navu predict, prophecy, prediction, prophetic
neso abstract, abstraction, -ness, -ity
ofensa crime, offense, sin, offensive, criminal
ofera sacrifice, offering
onore honor, honorable, reputation
orijen origin, source, original
osila oscillate, swing, a swing
pase peace, peaceful
pausa pause, break, interruption
peribadi private, privacy
piega fold, crease
piti pity, mercy, compassion, sympathy, sympathize
politi politics, political, politicize
poten power, force, strong
pove poor, poverty
rampa ramp, lean, incline, slope, bow, slant, tilt, tilted
randon random, arbitrary, caprice
rason reason, cause, explanation
rebele rebel, rebellion, revolution, treason, rebellious
relate relate, relation, relationship, connection, connect with
relijon religion, religious
repubika republic, republican
rite rite, ceremony, ceremonial
rumora gossip, rumor, rumored
ruse trick, hoax, ruse, fraud, scam, tricky
saje wise, wisdom
sano health, healthy, heal
santi holy, spiritual
semi half, partial, incompletely
senta center
sesi sex, sexy, copulate, gender
sige next, follow, subsequent, succeeding
silen silence, silent
sinifi meaning, to mean, sense, significance, significant
sinti sparkle, twinkle
sitema system, systematic, systematize
solu solve, solution, loose, untie, dissolve
sujesi suggest, suggestion, hint, insinuation
supose suppose, guess, conjecture, hypothesis
tari history, historical
tarifa charge, bill, tax
teki technology, technological, technical
tema theme, subject, topic, to be about, to concern
tenden tendency, bias, inclination, inclined to
teoria theory, theorize
terapi therapy, treatment, treat, cure, therapeutic
tipo type, quality, kind, typical
uben exercise, training, practice, drill
undon sport, athletic, physical exercise
univesa universe, universal
vaku empty, vacuum, outer space, vacuous
vendeta revenge, vengeful, to seek revenge
venera respect, veneration, respectful
vere true, truth, really
vibe vibe, shake, vibrate, agitate, vibration, turbulence
video video
violensa violence, violent
viva life, live
voka voice, call, call out, summon
vunda wonder, miracle, marvel, wonderful
seketa secret, mystery
akuta sharp, acute, keen
alien foreign, alien
anti against, anti-, opposite, opposing, oppose
bari weight, weigh, heavy
besonde special, especially, particular, exceptional
danja danger, dangerous
debile weak, weakness, feeble
dipa deep, depth, profound
duro hard, difficult, problem
eki out, ex-, away, external
ereki to stand, upright, erect
esato exact, precise, precision, exactly, methodical
fekun fertile, fecund, fertilizer, productive
impotan important, importance, to matter
kasi almost
limpe limp, flaccid, floppy, to limp, lax
lubi slip, slide, slippery, glide
lujo luxury, luxurious, opulence, fancy
matura mature, ripe, adult
medi average, medium, normal, usual, standard, norm
mumi wax, waxy
naro narrow, thin, strait
nudi nude, naked, nudity
nuta neutral, bland, neuter, boring, impartial
pura pure, clean, cleanse
redi ready, available, prepare, preparation
rika rich, wealth
savaje wild, savage, feral, uncivilized, wilderness
sekura secure, safe, safety, security
severe severe, strict
solidi solid, firm
subita sudden, suddenly, abrupt, to precipitate
sujo dirty, grime, filth, to taint, corruption
sure certain, sure, certainty
tabu taboo, forbid, forbidden
tupe dull, blunt, obtuse, dumb
Other (mainly words for speech)
debe should
den then, in that case
koma clause, comma
ni never, ever
se if, whether
sentense sentence, phrase, proposition, verdict
ven when
ani any (determiner), whichever, anyone
ka because
kada each, respectively
ke what, that
ma more
mebi maybe, possibility
mina mine (place + action)
ota other, different
reaki answer, response, reaction
silaba syllable
su too, too much
tamen although, though, nevertheless, in spite of, however
tensa tense (action + state + grammar), stretch, strained
vari vary, variety, various, variation, variance
ankora yet, even, still